Back to back meetings - The good move has your back
If you have ever been victim to back to back meetings, a full diary of consultations or even one phone call after another, then you need to read this! Recent research from Microsoft has confirmed that back to back meetings lead to a build up of stress - but don't stress the solution is simple! Simply taking microbreaks between meetings can ensure you commence your next meeting in a more relaxed state, engaged and focused.
Michael Bohan, senior director of Microsoft's Human Factors Engineering group, highlights that the research, "shows breaks are important, not just to make us less exhausted by the end of the day, but to actually improve our ability to focus and engage while in those meetings."
Researchers observed 14 participants in virtual back to back meetings wearing an electroencephalogram (ECG) to monitor the electrical activity in their brains. They compared the activity in their brains on another day, where each meeting was interspersed with a 10 minute break where all participants used the headspace app to mediate.
The Findings?
The participants in the back to back meetings experienced a cumulative increase in beta activity and accumulation of stress. Whereas on the day where short breaks were interjected in between the meetings, beta activity dropped to allow a reset and ability to enter the next meeting less stressed, more engaged and focused.
The Good Move offers a series of short 5 minute movement breaks that you can implement between your meetings. Not only will you get the benefits of taking a brain break and improving your focus for the next meeting, by moving your body regularly you are also decreasing the health risks associated with long periods of sedentary behaviour.
Check out The Good Move today to see how your workplace can implement this simple strategy to unlock the power of micro breaks.